We tried not to write about "the virus" again. We really did. But the sheer amount of fucktardness, ignorance, stupidity, idiocracy and most of all FEAR
made us commit this time and few hundred words so here we go.
Back in March 2020 we said it was all fucking bullshit. Keywords used by our overlords made us aware and sure of that. It was given that the POWER once
acquired by the .gov will never be let go. Lockdowns will go forever, or will be implemented on a whim, whenever they deem "necessary".
Masks are here to stay.
THEY realized few, very important strategic goals:
Corporations are bigger than before
"Private" business is gone
Vaccination passports are a must now
People will do whatever they are told every single motherfucking time now, no questions asked
Religion is gone
Communism is here for good
"Climate change" is right there after the "virus" and of course WE HAVE TO FUCKING ACT NOW!!!!!! otherwise blue turtles in Gwantenmalla will die!!!!!
As we said and we stand by it: it is all OUR fault. Majority of Americans (as an American in this instance we mean a person living in America,
which is a HUGE difference between the real American. It is like being black is not about a color of your skin, its about a state of your mind)
proved to be a fucking retards. Stupid, ignorant fucks watching TV and believing every fucking word. It is absolutely remarkable what a great job media did.
Kudos to them. Still doesn't release the average Joe from the responsibility of THINKING.
It has been 7 (seven) fucking months! If you were about to die you would be dead already! GET OVER IT!!!! Fucking losers, whiners pieces of shit
still telling me to mask up for "my safety and others around me". FUCK YOU.
Every single day brings more and more proof how retarded people are. We just saw 4 people in a car. All wearing masks... in the middle of a fucking mountains of Colorado.
Sheeps will herd for vaccinations. Because we didn't get through Millennia of shit without them! Everyone knows that even egyptians had flu vaccine!!! How else would they LIVE?????
It is so hard to see that idiots still believe those talking heads on TV. They still believe what those jokers are spewing. Disgraceful.
Seven fucking months... As we said before, percentage wise all "virus" deaths around the World equal to a mere 130$ out of a fucking 1.000.000$!!!!
Well, unfortunately how many people can comprehend that???
Climate fucking change... lolololololololololllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a moron.
WOW! so stunning!! so brave!!!!
Why should we take the word of a 2 bit pimp over that of doctors and scientists? What medical and scientific training do you have?
I have a brain unlike you