We are due for another SEO bs but our head is empty. Well we might utter few words after Joe Rogan's and Elon Musk podcast.
Not taking away from Mr. Musk things that he has done (with taxpayer help) but we have a couple of questions:
He said that the biggest obstacle in a drilling under LA is governement
But yet few sentences later he wants another governmental body to be established to control underground facilities
He is talking about global climate change, our carbon emissions etc... stuff that no one knows how to predict, no one knows what really the problem is and so on... And this is his excuse for ALL cars to be electric. Of course with the help of a governement.
It just doesn't compute with us. Strange...
And I thought a definition of the innovation is to come up with something cheaper, better, more efficient. Is Tesla something like that?
Oh, by the way Paypal sucks – they banned/closed our account before we even clicked “submit application”.
File under Chicago escorts, escorts Chicago and always hiring.
Paypal must be really GOOD if they closed your account considering that you're running an illegal business. LOL, they figured out you're a pimp even before you first transaction.
Really??? Maybe you know something we don't. Last time our lawyer checked escort business was and is legal in United States of America. It's not our problem your mind wanders off. Take your SJW thoughts somewhere else please.