Posts for tag: FOSTA

What happened to Banks?


What the fuck happened to the Banks???

We tried to deposit some cash into friend's account this morning. Not a lot, just 200 fucking dollars. To the most fucking corrupt bank in US – Wells Fargo. Well guess what? They “don't accept cash anymore”. In Chase you can't even make a deposit if you don't have account with those mother fucking assholes!! So for example if my sister living in a different state has an emergency and is asking me for the money I can't help her without opening the fucking account with those cunts.

Of course they implemented this shit like the communists always implement shit: boil the fucking frog. You can deposit cash, you can deposit cash but only to a certaing limit, you can't deposit any cash, you can deposit blank money order, you can de...

Panties edition. A survey

Monday survey for all of You:

What kind of photos do you prefer?

  1. Total pro?
  2. Ours, lol (semi pro, just a touch of photoshop)
  3. amateur selfies?

Let us know so we know what to do! Please!

File under Chicago escorts, escorts Chicago and always hiring!

What happened to separate bedrooms?

Who came up with the idea for married couple to sleep in the same bed??? When did this happen? What happened to separate bedrooms? This peasant idea is horrible and we are sure is responsible for many of the devorces.

Imagine how beautiful it was when the spouses were saying good night going to their bedrooms:

first it helped and sustained the love life/romance

second, you could fart whenever you wanted

and third, you could get good night of sleep!!! Which is the most important thing in life after food! If you are tired all the time, you cant perform at the peak of your possibilities and your health is declining.

fourth, it is just so socialist sharing the bed

What about those inhumane bathroom stalls! What happened to a normal, closed off bathroom???...

Rip off Agencies

Why people even use those weird Agencies who solely rely on CC, new clients and dont even provide the rates? Or that stupid “we are a team/collective of indepenedent providers...” blah blah blah, even though everybody knows it is an agency!

Another good one is: we are not objects but humans, hence we dont post any prices. Really?

You dont post prices because you want to rip cients off!!! Hahahaha!!!

It's like going to the store where there are no prices and negotiating with the owner, someone will pay 300 someone 600 etc...

Fake pics, lots of them, including famous tranny posing as a hot blonde, lmao!!! One girl working as a Katie, Marylin, Sylvia and three other different names.

But somehow those agencies stay on the market??

Are our customers that u...

Tattoos matter

Tattoos matter. It is a matter of fact. Even though some of you might like them and MSM along with majority of “artists” - musicians, sportsmen and all other entertainers are telling you it is a good thing to get tattoo, in our business it makes Ladies less desirable. Wonder why?

Our private opinion is, tattoos suck! In 15 years in the industry we have seen one girl who wore them pretty and confident. The rest was meh...

Girls - think thrice before you put this ink on your beautiful skin!!!

File under Chicago escorts, escorts Chicago and always hiring!

New article from 2039

Our first transsexual President born in Mexico made it absolutely clear that driving at night is a barbaric relict of the past, not align with our progressive future so making it illegal since it is the main problem of road accidents (pardon me: incidents) after the sunset. Thats why CONgress of 2038 passed very warmed welcomed law making driving between the sundown and a sunrise punishable by up to 10 years in prison and 250.000 of new Dollars (new dollar was needed after “old dollar” lost its world reserve status, caused by FED printing, which collapsed the eCONomy). New law reduced the rate of deaths to zero. That awesomeness was achieved also by making it mandatory to use the breathalyzer before each engine start. People were stunned knowing that for the last 150 or so years humans...

New Chicago escort The Lioness

We welcome new addition to our Team - super sexy, european Babe: The Lioness. New in Chicago so please make Her feel at home.

File under Chicago escorts, escorts Chicago and always hiring!

FIFA retarded decision

It is official: North America is a Country now. FIFA just confirmed it by giving the winning bid to Canada, US and Mexico hence new country called North America. Let's think about a design for a new flag...

So – few points explaining why it is a moronic decision:

  1. Day one of the Cup and my team is playing in NYC at 8pm local time. After the game they have to rush to the plane because the next game is 48 hours from now 4000 miles and 4 time zones away. Perfect isnt it???
  2. Day one of the Cup and my team is playing in a 100% percent humid Chicago. Thunderstorms, cloudy skies and only 95 degrees of Fahrenheit. After the game they hop on the plane and after only 4 hours flight they land 2 time zones away where it is only 65F in the evening and “it's a dry heat!”

First entry to the Chicago Escorts Hall of Fame

Our first entry to the Chicago Escorts Hall of Fame: Natalia

Amazing friend and an awesome Woman, who, unfortunately for all of us moved to the nicer location than Chicago.

We are pretty sure, were not the only ones missing Her!

File under Chicago escorts, escorts Chicago and always hiring!

Almost "summer" in Chicago :-)))

That's how Chicago's downtown looked like on Saturday June 9th for an UFC event! So what the best solution for this "almost summer" blues is? Yep, you got it: see one of our lovely Chicago Escorts in a convenient downtown location. You can opt for an Escort at O'hare area or Oakbrook if you fancy free parking. New girls coming soon...

File under Chicago escorts, escorts Chicago and always hiring!