Posts for tag: adult employment

Why everyone HATES Agencies??

Why everyone hates agencies??

Why are you getting pissed if/when/that you “can not talk to the girl personally”?

When you schedule your doctor's appointment are you talking to his/her secretary?

When you try to book Justin Bieber concert do you talk to him or his secretary/manager/handler or whatever you wanna call them?

Don't you see how many independent girls has “helpers” or “phone people”? Well guess why? Because they would not be able to handle the volume of the calls and sifting dicks from the assholes!!!

When you buy a plane ticket do you talk to the pilot? Why not? Do you feel left out then? Do you feel like you “can't establish personal relationship with the airlines?” Does it make an experience of flying less pleasurable?

Stop saying (callin...

We're not against seat belts.

So think about it...

Close your eyes, stop what you are doing, Sit down.

And think for a fucking second. Just fucking think. For yourself this time.

It is a light-er subject, or maybe not. But showing us who we are – slaves.

Recently we had a pleasure meeting one of the bored police officer who riding his bike made U-turn(!) just to give us a ticket for... not wearing the seat belts.

Think about this for a moment. We know, we know! You will come with this “but it is a law” bullshit. Yes. In the worst system on Earth – democracy, you can vote in pretty much anything. Hence, we have those idiotic, slavery laws like mandatory seat belts in your own car.

“Ok I understand you want to kill yourself, but what if you, or rather your ejected body will cause ha...

Motherfucking banksters

Banksters memory runs deep.

They don't easily forget our heroes who fucked their plans.

So they want to replace the biggest one of them from american memory. They want to replace him with a solid name we have to say. But the question is why Him and the 20 dollar bill? Why don't we put her (if we REALLY can't live without it!) on 5$ bill replacing the idiot who destroyed what America was about? Or 2$ bill which is almost an Unicorn, so we wouldn't have to see her face, which is quite frankly not the prettiest... Or, even better why not use 100.000$ bill – yes there was (is) one. Asshole on that bill fully deserves to be forgotten by history. He signed Federal Reserve System Act after all. Motherfucker.

Do YOU know who are we talking about???

File under Chicago esc...

Horrid movie "Beach Bum"

We just “experienced” the movie “Beach Bum”

One word review: HORRID!!!

Big red flag should have been VICE as one of the producers right at the beginning of the credits.

Let's be brief so we don't waste a lot of time on this shitty “movie”.

Here we go:

Fucked up, dissolved family – check

Interracial “couple” - check

Loser “father” - check

Drugs everywhere (as it is a good thing) – check

“Freedom” without ANY consequences – check

Complete disregard for anybody else except yourself – check

Complete disregard for law and order - check

“Wedding” without the priest but with weed smoking losers - check

Acting like an animal – check

No roots whatsoever – check

No binding (the same) culture - check


Idiocracy Part X

New Zealand viscous dog attack claims 50 lives and injures countless others.

New Zealand attackers were two, big 40 pound Pit Bulls capable of biting at least 5 people per second and two single bite Chiwawas.

Prime minister Jacinda Ardern implemented new dog laws right away apparently prepared already just waiting for that kind of situation: “Our dog laws will change. There were two Pit Bulls capable of biting 5 people per second and two Chiwawas capable of only single bites. The guardian was in a possession of a dog license. It was acquired in 2017. He was radicalized after trip to France, where he saw a lot of poodles on the streets of Paris. I can tell you one thing right now. Our dog laws will change." We have to ban fast biting dogs first and then ALL of THEM...

Empty Head

Head is empty

But we are way more than due for another SEO “article”. Wanted to write about A-O-C, but don't want to give h-e-r another platform. It is like giving a 3 year old who just shit itself, a platform to doodle about it. CNN and others are making great job doing this.

Should we write about gun grabbers making another step towards confiscation?

Should we write about 16 years old kid who knows better where the climate is going and what to do about it?

Should we write about a guy in Poland who got thrown out of the train (like Amtrak) by the train police because....

Fucking brilliant!!!

Fucking brilliant!!

Today we had a privilege of seeing a reaction of a sane person to our retarded laws in Commiefornia.

We went to Best Buy to buy a cable – by the way online price is 0.57$; Best Buy price... 9.99$...

Waiting for our turn to talk to the guy (since us girls don't know anything about electronics, lol!) we couldn't help but heard another customer telling the story. Judging from the accent man was from Australia but had to be here for a long -er time.

“So I am walking down the street and this motherfucking “homeless” guy is grabbing my camera! Managed to get it back and all, but so wanted to fuck this guy up, but hey! then I would be a bad guy, right?”

At this moment we joined the conversation: “Thanks City Mayor and the gang. They...

“Reproductive rights” aka barbarism!

“Reproductive rights” aka barbarism! Regarding new Murder Law from NY.

We have an idea!

What if after a one night stand girl gets pregnant and wants to keep the baby but GUY doesn't??

In order to keep men's reproductive rights up to date – girl has to abort the baby if the man wishes so!

Women just wanna fuck, that's why someone came up and introduced the pill, so why can't men do the same? Or have the possibility to do the same?

Boommm!!!! Equality!!!

Once the baby is out of heaven and in your oven it is not your right to abort it.

It is your privilege to be a vessel for it, that's it.

Nowadays dogs have more rights and privileges than unborn babies. Especially in Hollywood where you can't even trim the nails (claws).


Speeding vs Abortion you decide

Speeding vs abortion. Vegas to LA edition.

Premise of this article: what is more dangerous for the “people”. What activity should big daddy regulate more. Because they CARE about us, especially zee children (lmao!!!!) don't they?

3.613.732 1899-2013 motor vehicle fatalities in US

56.467.980 1973-2017 vide Guttmacher 44.012.115 1973-2017 vide CDC, abortions in US

Monsters exist

Monsters do exist

We just saw the movie “Dick/VICE”. It is about real life dick – Dick Cheney. Monster that the Washington DC is full of. We didn't want to see it. Like “Big short” which we saw 3 years after it came out. We knew we would be pissed off to the core. And we were right. Both movies depict pillage of American people. In both you see despicable monsters that our TV stations present as “heroes”, “great Americans” and “patriots”.

The movie is great, shot by the same team and the same main actors as “Big short”. Music is very on point reinforcing the scenes happening on the screen.

Every free and thinking man knows those people are monsters. Dick, Rumsfeld, Bush et al know that there is a very special room waiting for them in the deepest depths of HELL.
